Peer Support Specialist Job at Community Based Care of Brevard, Inc., Rockledge, FL

  • Community Based Care of Brevard, Inc.
  • Rockledge, FL

Job Description

Hourly Rate: $17.30/hr

Pos i ti o n Su m mary: T h e P e er Su p port Sp ecialist works with t h e M R T T h erapist a nd t h e M RT Case Manager to s upport a dults in the co mm unity strug g l i ng w i th me nt al health issues. T h e Peer Support Specialist offers the perspective of hav i ng liv e d e xp e rienc e d a nd helps advocate for the client, focusing on building a mutual relationship t h at foste r s hope a n d o ptimis m . The Adult Mobile Response Te am works col l aboratively w ith the Melb o urne Police D epartm e nt to provide crisis response. Th i s position m a intai n s i nformation r e garding the en vi ronment of current services to ensure a f l ex i ble, respons i ve, cu l turally comp e te n t s e rvice d e l ivery system.

Technical/F u ncti o nal E x p ec tat i ons:
  1. Oneon o ne support (Esse n tial F un c tion ) : Provide on e onone su ppo rt and enc o uragem e nt through stories of hope, recovery, and healing.
  2. Goal Setting (Essent i al F u n ction): Assist with s e tti n g g oals and id en tifying positi v e environ me nts and social connections.
  3. Advocate (Esse n tial Fun c t i on): Advocate for active e ngage m ent in team m e eti n gs and serv ic es.
  4. Mentoring a n d Advoc a cy ( Essent i al F u n ction): Provide m e ntoring and advocacy for cli e nt voice and the value of lived experience within agenc i es, communities, and systems.
  5. Meet i ng A ttendan c e (Essential Fu n ctio n) : Att e nd Fa m ily Team Con f e r ences, a n d any other collaboration me e tings to help s u pport the cli e nts v oice to be heard
  6. Other dut i es as required: Job perform a nce r equires f ulfilling other inc i dental or related duti e s  as assigned, assisting, and training othe rs , and perfo r ming d u ties o f higher rated positions  from time to time for dev e lopmental purposes.
Behavio r al C omp e t e ncie s :
  1. Listening: Ab l e to pay at te ntion to oth e rs; listen w i t h out i n terru p t i ng; convey understa n di n g of others' p oints of view; clarify unde rs tanding of q uestions and objections before resp o ndin g .
  2. Integrity: Ab l e to demonstrate consist e ncy of words and actions; protect c onf i dential information; pract i ce w hat he/she preaches; do w hat is right even when no one is
  3. watching.
  4. Trust and Respect: Ab l e to demonstrate and tre a t o t h ers in an ho n est and strai g htforward manner; ke e p deal i ngs w i th others co n fidential; k ee p word a n d f ollow throu g h on comm i tm e nts.
  5. Adaptability: Able to adju s t approach w hen de a ling with arrogant or infl e xib l e pe o ple; a d apt to cha n ges i n situation, di r ection, or p eo ple; adjust to needs of others without losing self.
  6. Considerati o n: Able to s h ow respect f o r the feel i ngs o r needs of o thers; show courtesy and make others comf o rtable; attentive while others are speaking.
  7. Problem Solv i ng: Ab l e to e xercise j ud g ment in bui ld ing realist i c s o lutions to p r oblems; understa n d the real issues beh i nd prob l ems; use co m mon sense a n d t a ke practical action to solve problems.
  8. Sens i tivity: Wo rk effe c tive l y with and s ho w sensitivity to cultural d i ffere n ces a nd various socioeconom i c b a ckgrou n ds of others.
  9. Eth i cs: A dhe r e to a n d mo d el pri n cip l es and values of Age n cy a n d System of Ca r e by being strengthba s ed, solution fo cused, ma in tains hi g hest level of i n te g rity and ethical standards and work collaboratively with e mployees, p a rtners, stak e holders and clients i n all interactions.
Business Experience:
  1. Minimum 1 year c o nsu m er ex p erie n ce in the foster care and/or b ehavioral he a lth system: This is requir e d to provide g ui d ance to t he c l ient a nd to b e able to m a k e recommendations, suggestions a nd to address barriers.
  2. Ex p erie n ce n avigati n g c o mplex syste m s: This is required to assist, gui d e, and e mpower the client.
  3. Computer Sk i lls: Basic computer skills a r e requi r ed to develop ta l k i ng points or presentations to groups.
  4. Public/Gr o up Speak i ng: This is necessary to speak to s m a ll groups, stakeholders, system of c a re partners and others about the n eeds a n d challen g es of youth i n the system.
Educat i onal and E x per i e n ce Re q uire m ents:
  1. High School Diploma req u ired.
  2. AA/AS Associates Deg r ee or equival en t prefer r ed.
  3. Former con s umer experience in f o ster care and/or behavioral he a lth.
Physical Re q uirem e nts:
  1. Sitt i ng
  2. Standi n g
  3. Bending
  4. Near Acuity
  5. Re a d ing
  6. Sp ea ki ng
  7. Listening
  8. Typing
  9. Writing

Family Partnerships of Central Florida is an Equal Opportunity Employer, comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and maintain a drug-free workplace. The Brevard Family Partnership family of agencies maintain and enforce a drug-free workplace program.

Job Tags

Hourly pay, Without location,

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